Credit cards can be really useful. But contrary to popular opinion, they're not the most useful when you're broke. They're more useful when you have a little cash.
Enjoy this excerpt from my new course "How to Borrow Money Safely and Never Pay Interest Using Credit Cards."
And then go buy it here:
Use "CREDITCARDTEN" to save $10. Until Monday only.
One of the most under-appreciated aspects of credit cards is the significant privacy they can afford you. Listen to the show for details.
Remember, please sign up for my new credit card course:
Use coupon code "CREDITCARDTEN" to save $10 off the price. (Good until 10/15/18.)
Thank you!
One of the most useful aspects of credit cards is how safe the debt is when compared to other forms of debt. Enjoy this excerpt from my brand new course called "How to Borrow Money Safely and Never Pay Interest Using Credit Cards."
The course is now available for you to buy. Go here:
Use the coupon code "CREDITCARDTEN" to save $10 off the price. (Valid until 10/15/18.)
Thank you!
Today, we do a special (and really good) live Q&A exclusively on the topic of credit cards. We cover:
My life has been quite unique and frothy in the last week or so. Here are some tools I use to maintain financial peace in the midst of the turmoil.
Today we answer this question: "I have accumulated $6,000 in credit card debt from a period of unemployment; should I use some of the $10,000 I have in my 401(k) to pay it off?"
I really hate it when I see people bullied. And I especially hate to see debtors bullied by unethical debt collectors.
In today's show I share with you some tools, tactics, and techniques and knowledge to help you stand up for yourself in the face of an onslaught of bill collectors.
I hope these help you.
And, if you don't need this type of help, I hope these ideas help you to help someone else who does.
On Fridays, I host a Q&A call. Patrons of the show are invited to call in and ask any question they want!
Today, we cover:
I've long struggled to know how to advise people with regard to debt. On the one hand, the use of debt can dramatically increase the financial returns of an investment. On the other hand, debt can have a dramatic negative impact on the lifestyle of the borrower when everything goes wrong.
So, how do we reconcile these two things?
I've come to see that they're two entirely different scales. Because they are two totally different scales (think: how do kilograms and degrees Fahrenheit interact with one another), it's hard to simultaneously factor in both.
Enjoy the show,
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