As I celebrate the opening of the registration page for the beta launch of the new Radical Personal Finance Guide to Career & Income Planning, I intend to share with you a few simple lessons related to career and income.
Today, we begin with the philosophical fundamentals: the interplay of human capital and financial capital. We all start with what we have (human capital) and use it to create financial capital, which we ultimately work to have in surplus. Once we have surplus, we get to decide what to do with it.
I've had a tough summer. I have nothing to complain about. I've been richly blessed and, in almost every way outside of Radical Personal Finance, life has been sweet. But, RPF hasn't been so great for me. And, if it hasn't been so great for me, it might not have been so great for you either.
I thought you might appreciate hearing the explanation and the story.
It's important to me to share the good and the bad--the heights and the lows--with you in order to help you understand that we all share common struggles and trials.
That said, I don't think it's helpful to talk about problems unless I can also suggest a solution. And, thankfully, I've worked out some solutions to my problems. So, now I'm ready to share the problems with you!
I've figured out what's wrong with Radical Personal Finance. And [I think] I've figured out how to fix it!
Here's the story...
Today's episode is Part 2 of a mini-series on the seasons of life.
The world of work is changing rapidly. We find ourselves pressed on all sides to do more work and different work.
And yet in personal finance circles, the focus of our conversation is quite frequently how to get out of work.
I believe work is a blessing and not a curse. And that to run from work is the wrong answer.
And yet how can we adjust our relationship with work so that it feels more meaningful and less ephemeral?
Part of the answer is in learning to work with the natural seasons of life.
Poverty is hard. Money helps to make life less hard. But, in our modern world, it's hard to figure out how much money is enough.
As you go through the seasons of your life the usefulness of money will wax and wane.
Money comes with a cost: time, labor, risk, attention.
You need to think carefully about the season of your life you're in and consider the unique value of money during this particular season.
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