636-The Case for Moving to Puerto Rico

If you're a US citizen who earns $500,000 or more, who is not willing to renounce your US citizenship, and who is involved in business and investing, you should seriously consider moving to Puerto Rico.


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634-The Case for Moving Outside of the United States

Today, I'll teach you how a 25-year-old $100,000-earner could increase their estate by $90,000,000 by simply moving outside of the United States.



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633-The Case for Moving to a No-Income-Tax State

One of the most effective things you can do when trying to figure out how to build wealth is to find ways to save big money. Fast. And since Americans collectively spend more on taxes than housing, food, and clothingā€”combinedā€”you should start by trying to save money on taxes.

Today, I give you my case for why you should consider moving to a No-Income-Tax state.



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593-Lifestyles of the Frugal and Obscure

The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous might make good TVĀ  but it's the Lifestyles of the Frugal and Obscure that makes for wealthy people who keep their money.


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