628-Federal Debt: The Ticking Bomb that No One is Willing to Defuse

We face a massive problem in the United States right now. Put simply:

  • We are borrowing more money than ever before.
  • There's no plan for us to borrow less money in the future.
  • There's [almost] no mathematically sound plan that can be created to have us borrow less money in the future.
  • No major, national politician is loudly, consistently talking about how we can spend/borrow less money.
  • Rather, there are loud, vigorous, and strengthening forces moving in the direction of borrowing even more money.

The government has only three sources of funds:

  • Taxation (bad for you if you earn money or have wealth)
  • Borrowing (bad for you if you're a citizen, not an investor)
  • Inflation (bad for you if you're a saver)

There's enough evidence for honest, careful people to predict the strong probability of future crises.

The problem is, we can't know when these crises will occur.

But it's time to start preparing.


  • "We've Never Had Deficits Like This During Peace and Prosperi
  • ...
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584-When Hurricane Katrina Came Through Town

Hurricane Katrina taught us a huge number of important lessons. In today's show, we listen to the account of a survivor.

Forum thread: https://www.zombiehunters.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16627

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494-Planning for Wildfires

Erin writes in and says: "I love listening to your podcast- I know you've had a few episodes recently in reaction to current events. As a resident of the Bay Area I hope you could do an episode in relation to wild fires (if there isn't a past episode I am overlooking)."

Erin et al, here are my suggestions for you!



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