It's Friday! We have a Q&A show today. But please listen. My economic concern continues to grow and I want you to be prepared for what could happen economically in the future. It's very serious.
I gave an interview to Aaron from the "In The Rabbit Hole" podcast, a modern preparedness podcast. It was published on November 12, 2018.
Preppers love to discuss many things: Guns, food storage, knives, bushcraft skills, and a litany of other topics. These topics are chewed, debated, and deliberated about endlessly amongst preppers.
But personal finance does not get much love, unfortunately. It’s not surprising, though. Most people would rather discuss… um… adult relations at the dinner instead of money–an odd taboo, really.
At its core, money is an omni-tool; it can be turned into nearly anything else needed. And a healthy personal financial standing is the most likely position from which to best safeguard your families well being.
Stop behaving stupidly with your money.
2:45 - If you move from one state to another, do you have to start all over with your asset protection plan?
15:30 - How frequently does a state change its laws that relate to asset protection planning?
21:30 - What is the interplay between Federal regulations and State regulations?
23:35 - Is a 403(b) protected the same as a 401(k)?
25:30 - How have Joshua’s views on education changed in the last four years?
36:30 - What specific inspirational resources would Joshua recommend on the topic of education?
43:20 - How do you set financial priorities when you’re expecting a baby?
51:15 - How do you plan when you have a highly fluctuating income?
1:00:15 - How do you balance having a stockpile of cash while looking at big personal lifestyle expenses?
1:04:35 - Is Patreon a good option to monetize your website?
1:24:00 - Should our company add a Health Savings Account or Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministry option to our health plan?
Credit cards can be really useful. But contrary to popular opinion, they're not the most useful when you're broke. They're more useful when you have a little cash.
Enjoy this excerpt from my new course "How to Borrow Money Safely and Never Pay Interest Using Credit Cards."
And then go buy it here:
Use "CREDITCARDTEN" to save $10. Until Monday only.
(My interview starts at 7:30 into the show.)
I recently gave an interview to the Complete Privacy and Security Podcast on the topic of financial privacy. I think it was a really good interview.
This interview was originally published on December 8, 2017 here:
Motherboard Guide to Not Getting Hacked
Joshua Sheats of Radical Personal Financejoins us to discuss:
– Why being financially stable (and ideally independent) is an important component of personal privacy
– Joshua’s Stages of Financial Independence, and what each of them means:
Stage 0: Financial Dependence
Stage 1: Financial Solvency
Stage 2: Financial Stability
Stage 3: Debt Freedom
Stage 4: Financial Security
Stage 5: Financial Independence
Stage 6: Financial Freedom
Stage 7: Financial Abundance
– How to pickmake an accountant or financial planner who respects your financial privacy & security – Episode 459 of Radical Perso...
50% Complete
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