718-Friday Q&A: Stock Market Volatility, For-Profit Schools, Personal Self-Confidence, HELOCs, Etc.

Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/36fIApfStZM

  • 1:30 - Stock market volatility - are total stock index funds a safe bet?
  • 14:12 - How can I build self-confidence with public speaking?
  • 18:54 - How can I start a for-profit daycare or school?
  • 35:35 - How should I use this time to learn more about money? Other important topics?  How can I invest wisely at age 28?
  • 46:00 - Should I take out a HELOC and use it to invest in a rental property?
  • 53:00 - How can we decide whether my wife or I stay home with my son?
  • 1:00:25 - Thoughts and strategies for working at home?
  • 1:05:10 - Update on carnivore dieting?
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623-Friday Q&A: Life Insurance, Protecting Money in Brokerage Accounts, Optimizing Taxes while Living in Bermuda, etc.

2:00 - Life insurance advice for a recently married husband
6:15 - How can I make a back-door Roth contribution without being subject to the pro rata rule?
11:35 - How can I protect the money in my taxable brokerage accounts?
20:50 - How can I optimize my tax situation as an expat living in Bermuda?
47:20 - I live in China and am returning to the USA. What should I do with my money?
50:25 - How should I balance paying off debt with real estate investment?
1:03:05 - How can I invest for my 15-month old daughter?

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495-Would My 14-Year-Old Son's Marijuana Habit Destroy My Finances if I'm Using a Healthcare Sharing Ministry Like Samaritan Ministries to Pay for My Healthcare?

Today, we handle this interesting question from a listener:

"In talking about Samaritan to a pastor-friend he threw out the scenario that your middle school age son is injured in an accident while riding in a friend's car, and the police find marijuana in the car--what happens?

When I asked a Samaritan rep about it he said their board would carefully review the situation and if they deemed that your son wasn't responsible for/aware of the pot then his injury would be covered; if he was responsible/aware then he would not be covered.

While my kids are all under 8 right now and this scenario is a ways off as a possibility for us, I'm concerned that when they reach middle/high school age I may need to look into alternatives for a couple reasons: (1) I'm not fully convinced of an investigatory board's ability to discern for sure in such a scenario what was going on and (2) while I'm teaching my kids to obey their parents and the civil authorities, they are still sinners and, growing u...

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