493-Should I Sell My Harley and Buy Some More Mutual Funds?

Fun question today for our Friday episode...comes in from Chris:


Looking to see if you have any insight on emotional/psychological decisions versus logical decisions when it comes to finance.

Back story -

I have a paid for 20 year old Harley. I have not ridden it in three years, I spend $200/year on an insurance policy, each spring I do maintenance on it which costs about $30, and living in Minnesota, we only really have 6 months or so of decent riding weather. I have a big garage so storage is not an issue, apart from each winter when I have to move it around in and tell myself I'll sell it in the spring.

I can make the logical argument to myself that I need to sell this. It is a depreciating asset, costs money to maintain and insure, and it really brings no value to my life.

However, I can not bring myself to sell it. I have no pressing financial obligations so the $5-6k that I would get from selling it would really not do much to improve my life. About the only thing...

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