631-Individual Solutions Can Lead to Success and Happiness; Collective Solutions Lead to Frustration and Misery

As I recently finished my course on "How to Survive and Thrive During the Coming Economic Crisis," I was struck with how simple and feasible the individual solutions are, while how utterly impossible and difficult the collective solutions are.

Choose success and happiness by focusing on the individual solutions you can put in place in your own life.


p.s., If you haven't yet, go check out my newest course!

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497-Prioritize Your Life, Not Your Money

After reading hundreds of listener emails this week, I've become very clear on the #1 mistake of the Radical Personal Finance audience.

Here's my attempt to help.


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492-Choose Your Hammer Carefully and Stop Beating Up Others for Preferring a Different Hammer

I thought about simply calling today's show, "On Hammers."

You pick the title you prefer...but recognize the truth: tools are tools and their usefulness depends not on their inherent attributes but on their appropriate application.


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489-Lessons From Las Vegas: A Few Practical Ways You Can Prepare For Being Involved in an Active Shooter Scenario

As we all watch and process the mass shooting in Las Vegas this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to share a few lessons learned.

I always try to process an event like this with an eye towards the lessons I can learn.

The tactical situation in Las Vegas was impossible. I don't think you could imagine a worse situation to be in as a concert-goer. An absolute nightmare.

But, I do have a few thoughts that I think can help. And since I don't hear anyone sharing anything practical, here are my suggestions.

If you have additional practical, actionable ideas, I'd love to hear them.


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486-Ignore the Republicans...What Do You Think Is the Right Approach To Income Taxation and Why?

I feel like I owe it to you to keep you semi-current on the state of tax policy in the USA. But, it's too early to have any serious details about the current Republican proposals.

I thought instead we could have a useful philosophical discussion about taxation. My challenge to you today is to answer these questions, for yourself.

  • Do you believe that a civil government has the moral right to tax an individual's income? Why or why not?
    • Do you believe that the US civil government has the constitutional right to tax an individual's income?
  • If you believe that a civil government does have this right, how much of a person's income can they claim? What's the right number and how would you know?
  • Do you believe that everyone should be required to pay income taxes?
  • Do you believe that some people should be treated differently than others and so be ordered to pay a different rate of income tax than others? Why or why not?
    • If so, how would we determine who should be treated differently...
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483-This Too Shall Pass: Keep Pressing Forward

I'm just wrapping up a week and I've been off the mic for all of it due to being sick.

Wanted to share with you a short motivational monologue to encourage you to keep pressing forward in the challenges you're facing today.

This too shall pass.


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478-The Utility and Morality of Price Gouging

Whenever there's a natural disaster, we have various articles on price gouging's lamentability, to wit, its harmfulness and illegality.

But, is it really bad?

I say not.

"Price gouging" (or, more accurately stated, the adjustment of market prices to meet changing demand) has tremendous utility for the well-being of all involved and is absolutely upright, moral, and ethical.

Of course, this guy says it's wrong, morally and economically. I deal with his "arguments" in the show.


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