1:20 - How Can I Invest in Distressed Mortgage Notes Inside my Roth IRA?
8:05 - Should I Pursue a Chartered Financial Analyst Credential for My Own Investment Knowledge?
17:00 - Should I Contribute More Money to a Roth 401(k) than a Traditional 401(k)?
38:15 - How can I Balance Personal Privacy and Functionality in Building My Business?
For reference to any time-dated commentary, this show was recorded on 12/21/2018.
1:25 - I just got married. What financial planning should I do now?
39:35 - My employer offers a 401(k) with no match. Should I participate?
55:35 - How can I save for my child's college education with a 529 plan or with a Roth IRA?
For reference to any time-dated commentary, this show was recorded on 12/20/2018.
1:45 - How can I give nice gift to people who are poorer than I am without creating a power imbalance?
15:20 - Can I contribute my salary into a 401(k) plan for my wife in order to maximize our retirement account contributions?
28:05 - How can I protect my non-qualified investment accounts that are exposed to the claims of creditors?
44:30 - I don't "need" term life insurance because I'm financially independent. Should I still buy some?
51:00 - I'm following Dave Ramsey's baby steps and am almost out of debt; should I store up my emergency fund in a Roth IRA?
56:00 - I want to buy an investment that will pay for my new car instead of just burning all my cash on the car. How do I do that?
(For the context of any time-relevant comments relating to current events, this Q&A was recorded on 12/19/2018.)
1:30-Should I dollar cost average into my Roth IRA or wait for a market downturn?
6:00-How can I get money to my child so they can make a Roth IRA contribution?
21:30-Can I do good asset protection by transferring all my money into a secret Bitcoin wallet that's kept completely offline?
34:00-Can I become a financial planner without pursuing it full-time?
It's Friday! And Q&A is back! (From the road, no less.)
Today, we discuss:
If you enjoy learning how common financial instruments can be used to achieve incredible results, you'll enjoy this show.
50% Complete
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