722-The Biggest Lifestyle Improvement Opportunity Available to You Right Now!

You have an incredible opportunity available to you right now. Donā€™t miss it!

Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cvFLUsmlMWI

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718-Friday Q&A: Stock Market Volatility, For-Profit Schools, Personal Self-Confidence, HELOCs, Etc.

Watch this episode on YouTube:Ā https://youtu.be/36fIApfStZM

  • 1:30 - Stock market volatility - are total stock index funds a safe bet?
  • 14:12 - How can I build self-confidenceĀ with public speaking?
  • 18:54 - How can IĀ start a for-profit daycare or school?
  • 35:35 - HowĀ shouldĀ I use this time to learn more about money? Other important topics?Ā  How can I invest wisely at age 28?
  • 46:00 - Should I take out a HELOC and use it to invest in a rental property?
  • 53:00 - How can we decide whether my wife or I stay home with my son?
  • 1:00:25 - Thoughts and strategies for working at home?
  • 1:05:10 - Update on carnivore dieting?
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567-Accidental Retirees (pt 2 of 2): Small Businesses that Allow Full-Time Travel and Internet Connectivity on the Road

In Part 1 of this interview (Episode 566), you met Scott & Susan, a couple who accidentally retired in their 30s and have spent the last two decades traveling the world in a sailboat and the US in a motorhome.

In today's episode, we discuss Scott's small business, Techie 4 Hire. If you have any interest in developing a location-independent business, pay attention to Scott's story of his own business. Also pay attention to some of the other types of businesses mentioned in this interview.

Finally, we discuss a bit of the technology of mobile internet connectivity. For many of us, our ability to reliably connect to the Internet from the road can open up a location-independent lifestyle.



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566-Accidental Retirees (pt 1 of 2) - Interview with Scott & Susan, Techie4Hire

On today's show, I bring you an interview with Scott and Susan. I think of them as "accidental early retirees."

About two decades ago they bought a sailboat, intending to travel for a year. They wound up spending a decade sailing the world together. And then for the last decade, they've traveled all around the USA, living full-time in their RV.

In Part 1 of this interview we discuss their story--the plan, the money, and the lifestyle.

In Part 2 of this interview we will discuss Scott's small business and the technology that they use that keeps them on the road full-time.



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546-Q&A: How to Increase Profit from a Consulting Business, How to Build an Advice Business, How to Maximize Revenue from a Construction Company, How to Transition Careers

Today we do live Q&A on career-related questions. Listen to the show and, if you think I give decent advice, sign up for my new Career & Income course here: http://www.radicalpersonalfinance.com/increaseincomeBuy now if you want the best deal! (Price goes up by $100 on Wednesday, May 16!)

Topics include:

  • How to Increase Profit from a Consulting Business
  • How to Build an Advice Business
  • How to Maximize Revenue from a Construction Company
  • How to Transition Careers


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