639-Friday Q&A: International Healthcare, Avoiding Wealth Taxes, Etc.

It's Friday! Today we discuss:

  • International healthcare options
  • Avoiding wealth taxes
  • Second passports for children
  • And more!


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636-The Case for Moving to Puerto Rico

If you're a US citizen who earns $500,000 or more, who is not willing to renounce your US citizenship, and who is involved in business and investing, you should seriously consider moving to Puerto Rico.


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634-The Case for Moving Outside of the United States

Today, I'll teach you how a 25-year-old $100,000-earner could increase their estate by $90,000,000 by simply moving outside of the United States.



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633-The Case for Moving to a No-Income-Tax State

One of the most effective things you can do when trying to figure out how to build wealth is to find ways to save big money. Fast. And since Americans collectively spend more on taxes than housing, food, and clothing—combined—you should start by trying to save money on taxes.

Today, I give you my case for why you should consider moving to a No-Income-Tax state.



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623-Friday Q&A: Life Insurance, Protecting Money in Brokerage Accounts, Optimizing Taxes while Living in Bermuda, etc.

2:00 - Life insurance advice for a recently married husband
6:15 - How can I make a back-door Roth contribution without being subject to the pro rata rule?
11:35 - How can I protect the money in my taxable brokerage accounts?
20:50 - How can I optimize my tax situation as an expat living in Bermuda?
47:20 - I live in China and am returning to the USA. What should I do with my money?
50:25 - How should I balance paying off debt with real estate investment?
1:03:05 - How can I invest for my 15-month old daughter?

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The Law by FrƩdƩric Bastiat (i.e., my 2018 Tax Day celebration)

Today on Radical Personal Finance, we celebrate Tax Day in the United States (April 17, 2018).

As we all reflect on the actions of the government we US Americans have just supported with our tax money, I thought it would be a good day to read to you a very helpful essay called, The Law.

The Law was written in 1850 by Frédéric Bastiat, a French economist.
If you haven't previously read this essay, be forewarned that the first third is fast-moving and the last third is fast-moving, but the middle drags a little.Hear it through, though. You'll be glad you did.


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486-Ignore the Republicans...What Do You Think Is the Right Approach To Income Taxation and Why?

I feel like I owe it to you to keep you semi-current on the state of tax policy in the USA. But, it's too early to have any serious details about the current Republican proposals.

I thought instead we could have a useful philosophical discussion about taxation. My challenge to you today is to answer these questions, for yourself.

  • Do you believe that a civil government has the moral right to tax an individual's income? Why or why not?
    • Do you believe that the US civil government has the constitutional right to tax an individual's income?
  • If you believe that a civil government does have this right, how much of a person's income can they claim? What's the right number and how would you know?
  • Do you believe that everyone should be required to pay income taxes?
  • Do you believe that some people should be treated differently than others and so be ordered to pay a different rate of income tax than others? Why or why not?
    • If so, how would we determine who should be treated differently...
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